Corrections Tactical Operations Training

Train with the best in Corrections Tactical Operations and with some of the best instructors in the field of corrections.

New class courses and new dates for 2024 coming up soon. Still have spots for the January 2024 course hosted by the Doña Ana County Adult Corrections in NM.

Correctional Tactical Training hosted in Liberty, Texas

Training Drop:

This is your chance to sign-up for the last basic Correctional Tactical Operations training course for the 2023 year. This one is hosted by our friends at Liberty, Texas. You’ll find more information on our training calendar tab. Send us a message or call us if you have any questions, see you there!

#training #corrections #cert #tactical #tog_us #tacticaltraining #sheriff #detentionofficer #correctionsdeputy

Training update:

Training drop for 2024;

We are starting to put on trainings for 2024. This one is being hosted by our friends in Las Cruces, New Mexico at the Doña Ana County Adult Corrections Center. As always, you can find more info on our website: , from there you can also go to the “Sign-Up” tab and sign up for any of our courses being offered on the training calendar. If you have any questions free to contact us. Hope to see you all there!

#correcction #correctionsofficer #training #tacticaltraining #tactical #sheriff #sheriffdeputy #correctionsdeputy #tog_us

St. Luis Correctional Officer is Taken Hostage by Inmates

Wow, glad the officer is ok and no one else was seriously hurt. This is why we train the way we do and why we offer and encourage correctional tactical teams to train for these situations.

We offer an In-Custody Tactical Hostage Rescue course especifically tailored for the corrections environment. If time is not on the facility’s side and there is no time to wait for a Police SWAT team and you have to act…you better know what to do and how to do it, lives are at stake!

Open training

We are still actively filling up spots for this course: Integrated Cell Extractions, Conceptual Dynamic Pod Domination (Riot Ops), High Risk, Profile, Valué In-Facility Inmate Escorts. All three courses in one week. Don’t miss out!

#corrections #correctionsofficer #detention #sheriff #detentions #detentiondeputy #correctionsdeputy #training #trainingday #cellextraction

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Corrections Officer is Shot inside Jail

Ok, so, EVERY time we schedule a course for “Active Shooter/Threat in a correctional setting, we always get asked this…”has this ever happened in corrections” or “this would NEVER happen in the jail, is it would, the street deputies would handle it”! WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!! In Spanish in case English is not sufficient….”EQUIVOCADOS!!!!!!!!!!

Ok, now that I got that out of the way. Our condolences go out to the Perry County Jail in AR, their staff and to the family of the mirdered corrections deputy. In a school setting it takes the responding officer between 3 to 5 min to respond, these are FBI statistics. What do you think it would be to the inside of a correctional institution?!!! There are ways to train an tackle this issue. We have been teaching it since 2010, but we always get this from administrators “this would never happen here”, or “SWAT would take care of it”. Well, I say this, “thick, tock, tick,tock” when someone is inside the institution shooting with a gun, officers, staff and inmates are the responsibility of the leadership….is your staff trained?!!

Be safe, train hard, train for what it could happen because one day it will!

Chief Lopez

This is why good and quality training is needed. If you think this is not inside you’re institutions, you don’t truly understand corrections!!

I saw this on our social media page. Came from the NYCDOC social media page, last time I saw one of these I was in Puerto Rico at my grandmothers farm helping cut down sugar cane. To think this came out of a housing unit, this is crazy to me! I totally agree with the author of this posting, searches are one of the major keys to safety in our field!

I have never found a full blown machete in my career but I have found some that came close not to mention drugs, cell phones and many other criminal and administrative contraband. As much a some of us don’t like dealing with the aftermaths of a search like, greavences, inmates complaining on every walk afterwards and so on, it’s our safety and theirs on the line!

One of the things I used to hear from some of the guys who were more into the tactical side of our Correction Tactical Operations team when we used to be asked to assist in conducting searches was, “man, why we have to do the “floor officers job”? Well, the honest answer to that…it’s all of our job!!! Safety is everyone’s job, especially the tactical teams. At the end of the day, we all want to go home to our loved ones the same way we come on shift.

Be safe out there and always be on the looks out for things that don’t belong…9 times out of 10 they don’t and you can be saving someone’s life…or your own. Proactiveness + Searching = Safety… be safe!

-Chief Lopez

#team #safety #corrections #correctionsofficer #searching #training #tog_us #detentionofficer

Best Training Center for the Corrections Tactical Operations Teams

Training calendar for 2021 is up and we are taking registrations. Seating is limited due to COVID 19 safety protocols, so don’t wait to the last minute. Come and train with some of the best and most experienced corrections tactical instructors in the field.

Do so in a training center uniquely suited for the corrections environment and field. Here is a quick video of just (1) of the training units available for training. Onsite lodging available! All thanks to our collaboration with the guys at @forcecenterusa @force_imi Sign up NOW! See you guys there! #thinblueline #sheriff #correctionsofficer #tactical #military #trainingday #Training #training #corrections #correctionstraining #detention #detentionofficers #deputies

Courses and Training are open to all Corrections Officers now.

If you’re in the corrections field, especially in a tactical team within need to keep your skills sharp. We hope you give TOG-US the opportunity to be your one stop shop when it comes to training and all things tactical.

We know Covid 19 put a hold on most Law Enforcement Training, but it’s time to adapt and move forward. Our responsibility within our facilities is way to great to just sit back and wait. We’ve adjusted and are overcoming....have you?

We can come to you or host you at our training site, a complete prison thanks to our friends and partners Force IMI Come train with us, be part of the family.

#correctionstraining #corrections #correctionsofficer #detention #detentionofficer #correctionsdeputy #sheriff #sheriffdeputy #training #tactical #tacticaltraining #thingreyline #thingreylinefamily #thinblueline #tog_us #lawenforcement #warrior #warriors


Corrections Tactical Operations Training

Corrections Officers Issue Law Suit on Sheriff Office

Ok, with everything that’s going on now a days, I’m not surprised that these issues are starting to surface inside the jails/institutions. This particular issue could have been avoided should they had a well trained CERT/SORT team or Corrections Tactical Operarions team of some sort. Now, I’m not familiar with Ramsey County Sheriff's Office so I don’t know if they have one or not, but it is apparent that they did not use it in this case. Individuals like this former officer should be assigned to the tactical team.

This individual should have been categorized as a high risk, high profile, high value inmate....all three! If you have a trained team, and I mean TRAINED!!!!! Then color & gender of the inmate does not matter. All movement to and from this inmates cell should be conducted by this team and this team ONLY! This would reduce any issues because should there be any issues this team should be able to handle it. “If” there is any negative issues on the part of the officers, you know where to start your investigation. But, being that these officers are well trained, there shouldn’t be any issues.

By being well trained, their professional demeanor and skills should show and the department would not have to go through any legal litigation issues nor injuries to anyone or at the very least significantly reduce it. This would also free up line staff to continue to do their daily duties.

They would not be in this legal issue right now. This is why we offer the training and courses that we do and why we train our students to the high standards and tempo that we do!

I urge all command staff in the jails, prisons and institutions to look at their tactical team and invest in professional training for their team. Hand me down training with all of what’s going on is going to put your department in a predicament of possible “cultural” dilemmas. By “cultural dilemmas” we mean, that if the CERT team has a culture of being heavy handed (for example), if you continue passing on that same style of training, nothing is going to change or improve. You have to bring in someone from the outside with updated ideas and training to ensure professional standards are kept and passed on.

Be safe everyone and we hope to see you all at any of our courses in the near future! Be safe!


TOG-US & ETS Less Lethal

TOG-US is proudly an ETS Less Lethal distributors, master instructors and end users. Email us for questions and or how to order!! Be safe out there!!

#etslessletha #lesslethalmunitions #lesslethal #riots #riots #training #corrections #tactical #teargas #beanbags



When lives are at stake, don’t settle for less….!


Silent Warriors Operating Behind the Walls

TOG-US pride’s it’s self in being one of the fore front companies made up of correctional tactical operators and leaders who dedicated themselves in providing updated and top notch training to a field who’s not seen much change in many years (as training goes in the tactical field). Corrections is now starting to come up to par with some of the best law enforcement tactical teams out there.
This video highlights just a small fraction of the capabilities that we have brought up to some of the teams out there.

These silent Warriors operator every day behind the walls, no thank you, no fame, nearly no recognition…..just for the brother and sister behind the walls with them. We are proud to stand with them and it motivates us to keep bringing to the best that we can.

Hope everyone has a great week!

High Risk Inmate Transport by TOG-US

Our High Risk Inmate Transport course is not just “put and inmate on a van and go”! Transports are a high liability operation, sending untrained officers/deputies can be a huge legal liability to everyone involved, not to mention possible injuries. Train, train, train.

We are taking registrations for all of our remaining courses. This video was shot entirely with MOHOC INC camera system camera system. Available on our website: ( See you all soon!!

#training #trainingday #correctionsofficer #corrections #correctionslife #sheriff #sheriffdeputy #detentionofficer #correctionsdeputy #highrisktransport #tog_us #mohoccamera #mohoc #tactical #tacticaltraining

Doña Ana County Adult Corrections SORT Team Conduct Selection

We are proud to announce that the Doña Ana Adult Detention Center in New Mexico, is one of the teams which TOG-US has had the honor and privilege of training from the ground up.

They (the unit) have undergone 4.5 continuous months of highly specialized training making them one of our first Tier 1 (Tier system mimics military system in order to classify teams capabilities) Corrections Tactical Operarions (CTO) Teams in the U.S. They have hone in their skills specifically to their working environment and they are sharp!
Like many teams, they have lost operators due to promotions and lateral movements thus having to conduct selection. The attached video is a quick glimpse as to what they went through. Their standards are high, maintaining entrance into their ranks to only the best! They were partially trained by their peers and cadre. In a few months we (TOG-US) cadre will be there to complete their training and offer recertification to the old team members and the entire unit as a Tier 1 CTO unit. We couldn’t be more proud of all their accomplishments!!! Great job to all welcome to the brotherhood!

4 Tips for a Successful CERT Team

Well, one of the video/projects in which we’ve been working with our friends at Guardian RFID is out. Hope you guys enjoy it and share it.

This was filmed at our current HQ in Immokalee, FL. This facility is set to be the premier training facility not just for the corrections tactical operations team(s) but for the corrections field over all.

As always, thank you all for your support and our efforts to make the corrections field a little better and a little safer. Hope you all enjoy! Be safe out there. Chief-


We are proud to announce that TOG-US has opened a working relationship with Guardian RFID, a leader in the corrections field. Guardian RFID has help in making the security and accountability inside the corrections institution more secure and always carrying safety in mind.

Their passion and loyalty to the corrections field is what made both companies cross paths. They have published an article written by our Chief Instructor S. LĂłpez. This will continue to happen more frequently so stay tuned for more knowledge from the field! There are also other projects in the works so stand by! In the mean time, check out the article bellow and enjoy!

we thank you all for your support!



TOG-US Now Full Ditruibutor for ETS Less Lethal Munitions

TOG-US has teamed up with Energy Technical Systems, INC. (ETC) to bring the Corrections Tactical Operators the best Less Lethal possible at a price that won’t empty out a departments budget. These rounds have been tested and put through the ringer both in the test lab as well as the field during training all our training courses and live ops. You will find that the quality of work is top notch as well as the costumer service.

You can now contact us and let us know what your department needs are. We also offer a Less Lethal Instructor’s Tactical Course. The Less Lethal Instructors course cover all mayor manufacturers ammo as well as ETS. ETS recognizes all Instructor courses.